
Showing posts from March, 2018

Teaching Concepts Such As ‘Long’ and ‘Short’ To Children with Special Needs

Teaching Concepts Such As ‘Long’ and ‘Short’ To Children with Special Needs Overview Words such as ‘long’ and ‘short’ may seem very simple for us, but to children with special needs, they can be very difficult to understand. This is because they are quite abstract words. The concept of ‘long’ depends on what else is around it.  So, a ruler might seem long if you compare it to a rubber and a pencil, but short if you compare it to a football pitch! How to Teach Abstract Concepts to Children with Special Needs? One of the leading occupational therapists in Delhi , who has been practicing occupational therapy in Delhi for special needs children for quite some time, highlights three general rules for teaching any new abstract concept to children with special needs. Have a look: 1.    Work on the ‘understanding’ of a word before you expect a child to use it.  Most children need to understand a word before they can use it correctly, and special needs children more s

Abreactions during Past Life Regression - What Are They?

Abreactions during Past Life Regression - What Are They? Overview Past life regression is a form of hypnotherapy carried out at a spiritual healing therapy center or a past life regression therapy center in particular. As the name suggests, it is used to by spiritual healers and hypnotherapists to find out the cause of deep-rooted troubles in this life, that is carried forward from the past life. Once the root cause is found, the expert can suggest ways to remove the cause. Sometimes, just knowing the cause is therapeutic in itself.Abreactions are strong emotional or physical reactions to something re-experienced from the past. They are actually a desirable characteristic of a past life regression session, as they signify healing and catharsis. About Abreactions As mentioned above, an abreaction is a highly emotional expression or manifestation of unconscious/repressed ideas or emotions. Many individuals express extremely deep emotional responses such as sobbing

Brain Aneurysm Repair – The Surgical Procedure

Brain Aneurysm Repair – The Surgical Procedure Introduction An aneurysm is a condition is neurology which occurs when the wall of a blood vessel becomes thin and bulges or balloons out. Aneurysms are dangerous because they present no symptoms until they rupture. When they do, they can lead to a stroke or brain damage if proper treatment is not given timely. Brain aneurysm repair is a surgical procedure used to treat this bulging blood vessel which is at the risk of tearing open at any time. The Surgical Procedure There are mainly two ways that neurosurgeons repair a brain aneurysm, according to neurologists in Darbhanga . The choice of the method used depends on the size, shape, and location of an aneurysm, among other factors. These two procedures are: ·        Clipping , during which, the neurosurgeon makes an incision into the patient’s scalp and creates a small hole in their skull. The neurosurgeon then places a small metal clip at the base of an aneu

Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD) – How Does It Work?

Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD) – How Does It Work? Introduction The left ventricular assist device or LVAD is a mechanical pump which is implanted inside a person’s chest in an open heart surgery in India (or anywhere for that matter). The device helps a weakened heart ventricle (the left one in this instance), pump blood throughout the body. According to heart specialists in Patna , the LVAD helps the heart do its job, and is commonly transplanted in a patient who’s just had an open heart surgery, and whose heart needs rest after the surgery. It can also be transplanted to provide support in terminally ill patients who cannot have a heart transplant due to their condition. The Working of A LVAD The LVAD is a pump, which works just like the heart. It is implanted just below the heart. One end of it is attached to the left ventricle, which is the chamber of the heart that pumps blood out of the lungs and into the body. The other end is attached to the

When Is A Coronary Calcium Scan Not Used?

When Is A Coronary Calcium Scan Not Used? Introduction A coronary calcium scan, known simply as a heart scan most of the times, is a specialized X-ray scan that provides cardiologists with pictures of a patient’s heart that enables him/her to detect calcium-containing plaque in the arteries and determine if it may present any danger to the patient. According to some leading cardiologists in Patna working at the top heart hospitals in Patna , plaque formation and growth in the heart’s arteries can lead to restriction or blockage of blood flow to the heart’s muscles. Cardiologists identify any possibility of coronary artery disease (CAD) by measuring the amount of calcified plaque via a heart scan in advance before a person even experiences any signs or symptoms.The tests results will determine whether any medication or lifestyle changes are needed to reduce the patient's heart attack risk or the risk of other heart problems. When Is A Coronary Calcium Scan No
What Is Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) and How Is It Diagnosed? Introduction Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) is a type of hereditary (genetic) neurological condition that damages the myelin sheath, the membrane which insulates nerve cells in your brain and nervous system. In a person suffering from ALD, the body can’t break down ‘very long-chain fatty acids’ or VLCFAs, which causes saturated VLCFAs to build up in the brain, the nervous system, and the adrenal glands. According to some of the top neurologists in Gurgaon and Delhi NCR, there are different types of ALDs, but the most common type is the X-linked ALD, which is caused by the genetic defect in the X chromosome, and affects more males than females. Females, however, can still carry the disease without being affected by it. Diagnosis Diagnosis of ALD consists of neurologists reviewing the patient’s symptoms as well as medical and family history. We asked some experts from the best neurology hospital in Delhi NCR

How Is Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Diagnosed?

How Is Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Diagnosed? Introduction Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease or NAFLD is not actually a single disease in gastroenterology , but an umbrella term for a range of liver conditions that affect people who don’t drink alcohol. As the name suggests, too much accumulation of fat in the liver cells is the main attribute of NAFLD. According to liver specialists in Patna , NAFLD is most common in individuals between the ages of 40 and 50, but can also develop in individuals of every age group. People with obesity and type 2 diabetes are more prone to having this disease. Diagnosis NAFLD can only be diagnosed using medical tests, as it doesn’t cause any symptoms in most cases. These medical tests are available in any of the best hospitals for gastroenterology in India. Gastroenterologists in Patna say that the following are tests to diagnose the disease and ascertain the severity of NAFLD. ·        Blood tests like: o    Com

External Compression Headaches – Symptoms and Causes

External Compression Headaches – Symptoms and Causes Introduction External compression headaches are a condition in  neurology  which is known to occur in people required to wear headgears like caps, helmets or goggles for long periods of time, like construction workers, people in the military, policemen and certain athletes. According to  neurologists in Darbhanga , these headgears put continuous pressure on the scalp or the forehead, which causes these headaches. People who wear tight headbands or hats may also get these headaches. Symptoms Leading experts in one of the  best hospitals in Darbhanga  say that external compression headaches cause a moderate, constant pressure in the head, hurting the most where the object presses against the head. Continued usage of the headgear may worsen a headache. Although a headache goes away after removing the offending headgear, one should see a  neurologist  or  neuro specialist  if it doesn’t. There are many  neuro h

5 Ways to Prevent Joint Stiffness

5 Ways to Prevent Joint Stiffness With the age, stiff joints become a painful reality for many people. Many people even find it difficult to get out of the bed in the morning . Lying down for several hours or sleeping reduces fluid amounts. That can make moving joints more difficult, which ultimately cause morning stiffness. Sometimes, the pain may get even more severe and impact your mobility for long periods of time. Spine physicians are giving following tips by which you can prevent joint stiffness. ·          Manage your weight: Back pain specialists say excess body weight strains joints- especially knees. Obesity is a known to be a potent risk factor for developing arthritis in your leg joints. In the process of managing weight, it should be noted that an individual should avoid carrying heavy loads, such as grocery bags, and protecting your smaller joints. ·          Keep moving: The joints should always remain in active state. If we don’t warm up before exercis

Cryopreservation - Egg freezing

Cryopreservation - Egg freezing Cryopreservation is a  technique used in fertility medicine in which sperms, eggs, and embryos are frozen at a sub-zero temperature to preserve them for future when the need arises. According to a leading IVF doctor ,  egg freezing is a good option for women who are willing to attain pregnancy in older age or delaying pregnancy due to some medical conditions or professional/personal issues. IVF doctors say egg freezing technique/treatment enables to preserve the better quality or eggs at a younger age and use them later for development of healthier embryos. As age affects the quality of eggs, freezing them at a younger age is helpful for a healthy pregnancy. There are 3 types of Cryopreservation in IVF:           Sperm  Cryopreservation           Egg  Cryopreservation           Embryos  Cryopreservation  W ho should undergo this treatment:           Women who are about to undergo medical treatment:  Certain medical treatme

Diabetes and Its Effect on Male and Female Fertility

Diabetes and Its Effect on Male and Female Fertility Overview Starting a family is a beautiful thing and one which brings unparalleled joy to a couple. Every couple cherishes and longs for the cry of a baby, Their baby. But certain pre-existing health conditions affecting the couple may make pregnancy a problematic endeavor. One such health condition is diabetes. The couples suffering from diabetes (both of them or either of them having diabetes) are always perplexed by a question of whether or not it is safe for them to try for pregnancy. This article was written with helpful inputs from fertility doctors from a leading fertility centre / IVF centre in Delhi , in the hopes of helping readers understand the effects of diabetes in a couple. Effects of Diabetes on Male and Female Fertility Although diabetes cannot stop women from getting pregnant (according to a the  IVF specialist in Delhi ), it can keep them from sustaining a pregnancy. Diabetes can prevent e

How an Inactive Lifestyle Is Detrimental To Your Fertility

How an Inactive Lifestyle Is Detrimental To Your Fertility There are various factors which impact fertility in men and women. While diet and age play a major role in determining fertility, fertility doctors at a leading fertility center/IVF centre in Delhi says that is an individual’s lifestyle. In the modern era, we live in the average person lives a stressful and sedentary lifestyle, which has a negative effect on their fertility. The daily routine of a regular person in India consists of sitting, reading and spending too much time on the computer while being involved in very little or no physical exercise. Such a lifestyle, while being harmful to both men and women, takes a bigger toll on women, causing hormonal imbalance and polycystic ovarian disease in women, which are major causes of infertility in women. Men don’t have it easy either. Men who abstain from involving in any physical activity or exercise often tend to be obese and overweight, thereby producing sper