5 Ways to Prevent Joint Stiffness

5 Ways to Prevent Joint Stiffness

With the age, stiff joints become a painful reality for many people. Many people even find it difficult to get out of the bed in the morning. Lying down for several hours or sleeping reduces fluid amounts. That can make moving joints more difficult, which ultimately cause morning stiffness. Sometimes, the pain may get even more severe and impact your mobility for long periods of time. Spine physicians are giving following tips by which you can prevent joint stiffness.
·         Manage your weight: Back pain specialists say excess body weight strains joints- especially knees. Obesity is a known to be a potent risk factor for developing arthritis in your leg joints. In the process of managing weight, it should be noted that an individual should avoid carrying heavy loads, such as grocery bags, and protecting your smaller joints.

·         Keep moving: The joints should always remain in active state. If we don’t warm up before exercising and stretch often to avoid getting stiff. Bike rather than walk, or swim rather than use the elliptical (training machine). One of the best spine doctor in Delhi suggests choosing activities that also safeguard aging tendons and ligaments.

·         Always Remember to pace yourself: When you start a new activity or a new exercise, try to reduce the risk of injury. If you work out too hard too fast, the risk of inflaming or stressing on joints increase.

·         Get ample amounts of sleep:  After forgetting all the worries, troubles, conversations or tasks of the day either at home or office; be sure to get ample of sleep so your body can repair and recharge for the next day. Always remember to sleep either on your side or on your back, because sleeping on stomach side may cause unnecessary stress on the lower back and spine which can increase your back pain

If after following the above mentioned tips you still feel pain or stiffness in your back, then it’s high time you visit the best spine clinic in Delhi and take professional help from the spine specialist doctor.


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