Teaching Concepts Such As ‘Long’ and ‘Short’ To Children with Special Needs

Teaching Concepts Such As ‘Long’ and ‘Short’ To Children with Special Needs


Words such as ‘long’ and ‘short’ may seem very simple for us, but to children with special needs, they can be very difficult to understand. This is because they are quite abstract words. The concept of ‘long’ depends on what else is around it.  So, a ruler might seem long if you compare it to a rubber and a pencil, but short if you compare it to a football pitch!

How to Teach Abstract Concepts to Children with Special Needs?

One of the leading occupational therapists in Delhi, who has been practicing occupational therapy in Delhi for special needs children for quite some time, highlights three general rules for teaching any new abstract concept to children with special needs. Have a look:

1.   Work on the ‘understanding’ of a word before you expect a child to use it.  Most children need to understand a word before they can use it correctly, and special needs children more so.

2.   Teach pairs of opposites one at a time.  So, for example, first of all, you might contrast “long” and “not long”.  When your child has fully understood this, then introduce the word “short”.  This helps to prevent them becoming muddled about which word is which.  However, this does require them to understand the word not.  Some children may not have a secure understanding of the word “not”.  If this is the case, use both words, but have more emphasis on long to start with, aiming for them to learn that one first.

3.   Your child is likely to need lots of repetition in real-life situations.  Always try to reinforce what you are teaching by commenting on “long” and “short” things you come across day to day.

Regardless of what problem your child has, you should visit one of the therapy centres in Delhi meant for children with special needs. The therapists there can work with any sort of speech, learning or reading defect with your child, and get them to overcome their defect through regular sessions. These centres can help children overcome reading difficulties or learning difficulties in Delhi, or at least bring the child at a level at par with normal kids. 


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